Saturday, January 17, 2009

Day 14 - The Frayed Ends of Vanity

"love of self perverted to hatred and contempt for one's neighbor." ~ Dante's Inferno
2009 - 365 - 14

I've never considered Pride to be one of my major deadly sins. But while chatting with a high school friend, who now lives in Northern Italy, I'm not so sure. We both started talking about the lines and wrinkles we are finding each day. And I asked if her 10 year old daughter made her feel old. She said "no. but my 13 year old that's taller than me does." I said "i have laugh lines around my eyes" as if they aren't actually wrinkles. I felt my own vanity come to the surface and tried to pretend that aging doesn't terrify me to a certain degree.

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