Monday, February 26, 2007

It's Me, and me again, & again, & again, ok one more time

I'm experimenting with cloning now. Not actual cloning because I'm not sure that's ethical and I'm not a scientist anyway. I mean cloning images into one scene. Unfortunately I am not exactly feeling very creative lately. I've been lagging behind in taking a pictures for the 365 days project I blogged about last time. Right now I'm about 5 days behind. There are some crazy clone pics on flickr. If you're interest just run a search there for "cloning" I've only attempted it a few times.

Here's a few I've tried.

My first time. hehe. I haven't said that in a long time! :-)

a little better on the second try but a few of the images turned out very blurry

3rd time's a charm. I can't wait for summer so I can try some of this stuff outside. :-)

I'm gonna do some of these for friends soon. I'll post them here when I do :-) If you have ideas what can be in a scene, send me a message. On flickr I've seen murder scenes, arguments, just hanging out with yourself. The murder scenes are truly creepy, very Hitchcock-like. Check them out if you get a chance.

That's all for now.


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