Thursday, July 26, 2007

Train Keeps A Rollin' Choo! Choo!

I knows it's been almost 4 months since I last blogged. My bad........ I have no excuse, except to say that I'm totally fucking lazy.


I'm still doing the 365 days of self portraits thing. But, unlike my midsection, my ideas for images have gotten even more thin than the last posting. These pics were taken, one a day, 3/22/07 to 4/27/07. To find out more about what was happening on the day of each picture or what may have been on my mind that day, check out the caption for that individual image on my flickr page

Compliments, insults, and your comments about favorites or least favorite images are welcomed and encouraged here or on Sorry about the size of the mosaic below. I tried four times to shrink it, but decided I didn't give a fuck anymore.

Thank you for your support, bitches!
