Saturday, January 2, 2010

Day 2 of 365 - Can't Shake The Feeling

Another resolution for 2010 is I need to appreciate all that is going right in my life and stop dwelling on things that are not within my control to change.

I had lunch with friends today and we talked about making the choice to focus on the positive and how easy it is to accept things that are negative. All I could think about during this conversation was how unhappy my love life or lack thereof has been. Silly. That I couldn't even shake the feeling while we were talking about it. But I've been single for a quite a while and I don't want to be. Why do we always want what we don't or can't have?

Day 1 of 365 - Ouch!

This is apparently how my friend Maggie says "Happy New Year" I know it's blurry, but that exactly fit how drunk we were at this point.

Happy 2010! My resolutions: lose weight, get in shape, pay off credit cards, pursue a new boyfriend, & don't hold back how I feel so much