Thursday, May 28, 2009

Artists That Have My Attention

I am loyal to artists and their full length CD's/Albums/records. Yes I do have an MP3 player but most of it is full of the same artists. These artists are in heavy rotation for 2009. The video may not be on the album I list.

Andrew Bird - Noble Beast

Butch Walker - Sycamore Meadows

Cage The Elephant - Cage The Elephant

and CTE again,

William Elliott Whitmore - Animals in the Dark

The Gay Blades - Ghosts

The Faint - Fasciination

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Countdown to Deletion

In a few days I will transfer my blog archive. Then I am deleting this Myspace account.

If you want to continue reading/cyberstalking me, my blog site is Dusty All Day Long. And of course photos (old & new) will be posted on Flickr.

Follow my daily thoughts/events/mistakes on Facebook or Twitter. Also I promise to answer if you call or text me.

It's been fun but I want to spend less time online and Mypsace is expendable.

Gracias por leer. Merci pour lire. Vielen Dank für Lesen. Dank u voor het lezen. Ringraziarla per leggere. Obrigado para ler. Спасибо за чтение. Thanks for reading.

Auf Wiedersehen,
